Girly webstuff!

A girl with too much spare time, an internet connection, some experience and a good map of the web. A healthy imagination. A knack for making trends. This is fun!

It's all about the MUSIC!

23:11 by malin

I think everyone have downloaded a song now and then, listened to one on youtube or had a mp3 sent from a friend. Illegal you say? I say iTunes are legal, and as for youtube? Well, I have never heard of it being not legal?

But, whatever.

Today, I found some really cool groovy sites online. It's all about the music! Well, about the noise and sound anyway. I really like discovering new music. It gives me such joy when I find something I like that I hadn't heard about before. Just imagine how many bands there are out there thay you've never heard of! One of them could be your favourite band had you only heard their music. Finding that special band is always a little high of its own.

What if you could have a ready made playlist based on your mood? Well, you can! I found this awesome site today that lets you click a smiley face (or a angry face, if that's your mood). Go here, pick your mood, and a playlist will start playing for you! I clicked the angry mood, and I actually liked the playlist!

So, you want to make your own music you say? Well, never fear, because you can! It might sound a bit like something from the dancefloor of a club, but it was surprisngly entertaining and easy, too! Click here to go to the colourful musique automachine!
And while we are making music of our own... this site here was interesting, to say the least! What I made sounded like crap, but I believe someone whit a hint of talent could actually make something awesome from it!

Now, if you need something mellow and soft after all that noise, what about some bedtime tunes? Everyone likes a slow melody once in a while. And these are actually very nice!

Happy listening!

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