Girly webstuff!

A girl with too much spare time, an internet connection, some experience and a good map of the web. A healthy imagination. A knack for making trends. This is fun!

Because it is adorable!

06:45 by malin

You can click the image if you want to see a bigger version!
This comic is from the Nemi series by Lise.

Etiketter: , , , , , ,



15:37 by malin

Okay. I actually do not like them at all. Reason? I do not like cats. But I have been giggling at them a lot today. And this one is just so stupid it's funny!

funny pictures
see more crazy cat pics

There's more, too. Like this:

It made me giggle. And it is a happy break from job hunting and my endless quest for easy web-cash! :P
Yes. Web-Cash! I have decided I want to call things as yuwie and my search funds web-cash!

Have any good web-cash sites? :D

Etiketter: , , , , ,


MONEY! *grabby hands*

18:31 by malin

Okay. I do admit it. I LOVE MONEY! I love it LOADS! Like, seriously!

Or, actually. I hate it. It causes me nothing but problems when I see bills piling up. But still, I do love to spend money! I am such a girl about it, too. I like my pretty shoes, designer brand skin products and make up, pretty clothes, perfumes, nice things for the house, buy pretty little gifts, good food etc. Hell, I want to be able to pay my rent! Without wondering just how I will do it next month. Man, that would be bloody awesome!

I have applied for many many jobs. Still. No bloody income! *pulls hair with frustration* This is annoying.

So, what did I do? Well, i did something slightly silly. And remarkably easy. I changed my search engine. You know, the little search thingy on top of the browser next to the url thingy? Yeah, that one. I mean, I use it about 50 times a day. (I used to google everything! Now I shall do the same, but with a different search engine). That is right. I have installed a search engine that promises to pay you for searching! It sounds too good to be true, but I figured why not try. At least it is free.
Oh. Here is a handy link for you: link

What I also did, was that I joined yuwie. Which promises to pay you for networking. You know, like facebook and myspace. It works splendidly, it have nice features, custom skins, friendly members and lots of fun. So, if it pays you for every click, and every click your referrals make, then obviously, everyone should join. Right?
Of course, I would want to refer you! Link

Now. truthfully? I am a bit sceptical. But if you do not try, then you cannot win. Or something like that. If it works, I shall be happy. In the meantime, I shall study hard and keep job hunting!

Etiketter: , , , ,


Fun tings to do online!

18:02 by malin

I don't know about everyone else, but I sometimes find myself staring blankly at the computer screen, as I am completely bored to death. Now, one would think that at those times, I'd get up and do something productive around the house, do some studying, call my mum, or SOMETHING.

Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't.

So, what can one DO online? Well, there are numerous things that can be done. Some more addictive and time consuming than others. And, more importantly, most of the fun stuff is free! (Well, a lot of it is, anyway.)

I love blogs! Especially celebrity blogs! They are fun, easy to read, have pictures of pretty people, and lovely juicy gossip! What is there not to love (besides the obvious lack of morals)?
justjared - This is a rather sweet celebrity blog, that treats the famous people politely and respectfully.
wwtdd - what would tyler durden do. This blog is NOT so polite, but sometimes funny
agirlmustshop - Well, it's true. And this blog offers nifty little suggestion to things you just WANT!
foto decadent - Fashion photography. It is sometimes kind of weird, but also fascinating!
postsecret - People's secrets. I love it!

Or, better yet, start your own blog!

This entry was originally posted at my yuwie blog!

Webcomics that are updated regularly can be fun to follow. Just check them out once in a while, or check them every time there is an update. It's quick and gives you a laugh!
questionable content - Fun comic, with daily updates!
pixelcomic - Comic about pixels! In my opinion, the earliest are the best!
wondermark - These are strangely funny!

We all love them, right? Yuwie, facebook, myspace, etc. But there are also smaller communities, that are easier to navigate. If you enjoy photography, join a forum for it, and you will make friends with the same interests as yourself! Mommy to be? Well, join a baby forum! I am sure you will find many friends, and have many questions answered.
This is a pastime we all know, isn't it? You click the boxes or move the blocks or whatever. It can be strangely addictive, too. Some games are more advanced than others, and make you sign up, but most are just click and play! We love click and play!
popcap netgames

I think more detailed blogs about other fun things to do online will follow ;) In the meantime, have fun and take care!


This is kind of a test

17:58 by malin

You see?