Girly webstuff!

A girl with too much spare time, an internet connection, some experience and a good map of the web. A healthy imagination. A knack for making trends. This is fun!

Vampires and other Profanities

14:58 by malin

So, I just read Twilight and New Moon, by Stephenie Meyer. This seems to be the new hype all over the net. Seriously, the literate forum kids LOVES these books. It is about love, vampires, drama, werewolves and a high school girl. Does this not have all the ingredients of a hit series?

I realized when reading these books, which was very quickly and easily read, that I wished they had appeared ten years ago. I would have loved when when I was thirteen. Or even when I was sixteen. Now they reminded me of a popsong on the hit charts in some way. It was a catchy read, it was entertaining, it passed the time and made me smile a couple of times. But that was about it. The plotline was good enough, but when I put the book down, I discovered that I had no large interest in the characters of the book. I wasn't bored by it, it just didn't seem to make an impact on me.

The main characters of these books are Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. Bella is a high school girl. Edward attends high school, too. But he turns out to be a hundred years old vampire. Now, while I understand every teenage girls infatuation with vampires, I don't understand how it is okay for a vampire to date a teenager. Let us face is, if a teenager dated a thirty year old, that would be bad, right? If she dated a hundred year old, even worse! But if he LOOKS seventeen, then it is romantic.

And what is with these Twilight vampires? The glitter in the sun! Vampires are supposed to burn or die in the sun, not go all sparkly like a diamond and run around like angels. They are not supposed to drive silver coloured volvos either, for that matter. My mind just never could accept this fact. A creature of the night who turns sparkly in the sun.

Well, I suppose it is original.

What happens to Bella and Edward? I really don't know. I never finished the third book. Maybe I will. I'm bored a lot these days. And these books are entertaining me in the same way as a meduimly good TV show. So.. I don't see any reasons not to read it. Just take it for what it is. A teenage thing. Like Harry Potter was a kiddie thing (at first, anyway. I still think Harry was better writter!)

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